Well this looks like a good time to make my first post, and to describe what my (tentative) plans are for this semester.
I am very interested in photo manipulation. More specifically, taking various scenes that have nothing to do with each other and combining parts of each scene to make a whole new, more interesting -- yet artistic-- scene.
I'm at the point right now where I'm brainstorming some concepts and doing research on different techniques. Throughout this process I'm trying to keep in mind what kind of photos I could take to give me a good base to start on when I'm all set on a concept. I plan on making a series of works (I am not sure about how many in the series yet), all with a common theme. However, I am really drawn to urban and technology-based themes.
So far I think I have a good idea of what I want to do, now it just comes down to getting things done. So this is where I'm at.