Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Something new

When I did the 'Renegade Liberty'piece, the phrase "Give  me liberty, or give me death" came to mind... and it gave me an idea... Here is what I came up with:

I'm not sure if I want to keep "Give  me liberty, or give me death" as a basis for a theme, though... It seems cliche to me... Oh well, I think it looks cool. And it sort of goes with my 'Renegade Liberty'piece too.. However,  I'm not sure if I want to add a face. A skull, as the grim reaper normally is seen with, could be a bit difficult to cut out details with my x-acto knife on that small scale... Skulls are also... cliche (in my opinion). Maybe I can do something to suggest a face there though. Remember this is still a work in progress.

Art is power...


  1. I like that there's no face. A face is completely unnecessary to get your point across. Think about other symbolism you could put there other than a face/skull. It doesn't need one per say, but it could probably add to the piece if done right.

  2. I really like this! I agree that no face is necessary.
