Saturday, September 4, 2010

This is where I'm at...

So I think I'm going to go along with the stencil idea that I mentioned in previous posts. What I plan to do is combine digital prints with mixed media.

I see a final piece looking something like this: A background designed in Photoshop, printed out, and then stenciled on. The stencil(s) would also be designed in Photoshop, printed out, and then cut out, and then spray-painted over... The plan is to have something that looks like an underground political propaganda poster (with that being the theme of each one.)

Well, at least, that's the plan for now...

Monday, August 30, 2010

I'm stuck.

Okay, I know what I want to do, but I'm not sure how I want to go about it... I want to do stencils (I just realized that that term sounds, er... elementary), but I'm not quite sure how I can incorporate the "computer art" aspect of it. Computer design is definitely involved, because that's where the stencils are made before they are cut out. But when I think of computer art, I think of digital prints... Since this IS a computer art class, I need to figure out how I can mesh the two together... maybe mixed media? Stencils on top of a digital print? Any ideas?

You never know...

You never know where some of your artwork will end up...
Last semester in my 3D class, I made a life size replica of me, running over a hurdle, completely out of coat hangers. It was a final project, and far too big and bulky for me to take with me at the end of the year. So I just left it for anyone to do what they want with it. I expected it to go in the trash, but it turns out, a former AU graduate and now art teacher at Edison Elementary School, took the piece, and now has it on display there. Or so I heard, he took half of it.

He took the wire replica of me, and left the hurdle, and I guess it's hanging on a wall somewhere sitting in a La-Z-boy recliner. I (and when I say I, I'm referring to the life-size replica of me made out of coat hangers) went from being an agile athlete to being a bum in a recliner. And I thank that's awesome :)