Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Some updates on Lady Liberty...
I want to add some text somewhere, most likely in the black area at the bottom... "ART IS POWER"
I also thought about going somewhere with the term, "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
I'm also playing with the idea of changing the background a little bit...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Update on artwork

Here is where I'm at... I'm almost done with this one. I could probably put 45 more minutes into it and I'll have something I think I could take off screen. It's Lady Liberty in all her glory...

Some changes I want to make include:
Adding more detail to her clothing (However, it will already be a pain in the butt to cut out as it is)
In the bottom black area, I want to add the words "ART IS POWER"
I want to add my peace-sign logo onto her book and satchel...

After those changes, I think this one could be ready to be stenciled.

Wine label design

A random thing you guys may not know about me, is that I make my own wine in my spare time... I know it is completely unrelated to what I study in school, or anything I do for that matter... but I enjoy it so much, that I actually want to open my own vineyard some day... Yeah, true story. Well this past November, I finished 30 bottles of Strawberry White Zinfandel... I wont go into all of the technical stuff but the grapes were imported from Colombia. I fermented it, bottled it, finished it, and now it is aging... it took about 50 days from start to finish, but like I said, I finished in November... Yes, it's that serious.

I like all of my wine to look pretty, so, of course, I had to make a label for it. Here is what this one ended up looking like...

Yep, so I just thought I'd post some things I've worked on outside of class...

Thanks for looking!