Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Some updates on Lady Liberty...
I want to add some text somewhere, most likely in the black area at the bottom... "ART IS POWER"
I also thought about going somewhere with the term, "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
I'm also playing with the idea of changing the background a little bit...


  1. I like how this is looking. and I also like the idea of "give me liberty or give me death."

    p.s. did you see the new Banksy work in LA?

  2. Really liking the way your going with this one mike. it will be interesting to see how the text goes with it.
    Katie my favorite I think so far of his new work is Crayon Boy in Westwood lol

  3. Thanks for the compliments!

    Katie -- I have seen some of the work Banksy did in LA. I heard some of it was defaced recently, though. I wish I could see it in person!
